IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE Regretably, there is currently a lot of misinformation being propogated by some kitten sellers. Please read this NOTICE, the information on Buying and Selling a Kitten on our Information Page and please use our Contact Us page PRIOR to purchasing a kitten if still in any doubt as to the veracity of the information you are receiving from potential sellers. |

 | EXCITING NEW TITLE CLASSE FOR HOUSEHOLD PETS, Starting with the SABCCI/GCCFI Support Show in April 2025 Full details HERE |
______________________________________________________________________  | MIDLAND CAT CLUB Notice Date: August 2023
It is with regret that we announce that the Midland Cat Club has been disbanded due to lack of experienced personnel to take on Officer roles and a shortage of finances. However, the GCCFI will run show on 18th February 2024 in Thurles. Watch out for details. |
______________________________________________________________________  | Judges - Notice Date: August 2023
The Executive have concluded that it is no longer economically viable to train judges in GCCFI. This is due to the fact that trainees would need to go to UK shows to gain sufficient experience and when qualified, would only be able to judge one breed. Anyone wishing to train will need to go through the GCCF scheme. In view of this decision the Judges’ committee is no longer in place. |
______________________________________________________________________  | Nominations for Council Members - Notice Date: May 2023
The GCCFI is holding its AGM on 8th July. This is an electoral meeting where we will be electing Officers, committee members and Council members. If you are interested in standing for Council please contact Lorna at by 9th June. |
______________________________________________________________________  | 13 Day Rule - Notice Date: November 2023
Exhibitors please note that the above rule requires 13 days between any cat from the same household being shown not 13 clear days. |
______________________________________________________________________  | British Long Hair Variants - Notice Date: November 2023
British Longhair variants, (shorthaired cats with a BLH parent, can now be shown in the equivalent BSH classes as they are identical to BSH who carried a gene for longhair, and all will be judged by the BSH SOP for quality. It is hoped that this will be possible from the Midland shows but is dependant on the IT system being ready. |
______________________________________________________________________  | GCCFI Rules Update - Notice Date: December 2020
The GCCFI Rules have been updated on the About Us Page. |
______________________________________________________________________  | 2021 SHOW STATUS UPDATE - Notice Date: December 2020
Following a recent meeting of the Executive it has been decided that there will not be any shows held under GCCFI licence before 1st June 2021. We will continue to monitor the situation and further information will be provided when available |
______________________________________________________________________  | REGISTRATIONS & IMPORT DOCUMENTATION - Coronavirus Notice Notice Date: March 2020 - Updated 01/08/2020
Registration cards etc are once again being posted out by the GCCF and it is hoped to clear any backlog shortly. |
______________________________________________________________________  | TITLE CLAIMS - Notice Date: June 2019 It is no longer necessary to claim Champion/Grand Champion and Premier/Grand Premier Titles as these titles will automatically be awarded when show results are recorded on the system. Title winners will be sent an email, with a live link to claim, confirming the title when it is achieved. NB: Tara, Hibernian and Invictus titles must still be claimed via the Forms Page. |
______________________________________________________________________  | 2019 AGM - Notice Date: April 2019 The GCCFI AGM/Electoral Meeting will take place on Saturday 22nd June 2019. Council Members only may participate in the elections. Papers will be published nearer the date. If you are interested in standing for Council please contact Lorna Blackmore for further information. | ______________________________________________________________________
 | 2019 MIDLAND SHOW Cancellation - Notice Date: January 2019 NB: In view of the cancellation of the Midland/GCCFI shows the Executive have decided that for this year only Adults & Neuters who have not qualified will be allowed to enter the Supreme. It has already been agreed that kittens no longer need to qualify for the Supreme. We hope this will be helpful to exhibitors and look forward to receiving your Supreme entries in due course. |
______________________________________________________________________  | BREEDING POLICIES - Notice Date: September 2018 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BREEDERS Changes are made to breeding policies by Breed Advisory Committees. This is often due to new tests becoming available which help to eradicate problems in the different breeds. It is important for breeders to be aware of these changes and by clicking on the link below you can record your interest in any breed. If you do so you will be informed as changes occur. Click HERE to register your interest. |
______________________________________________________________________  | PREFIX APPLICATIONS - Notice Date: July 2018 It has been noted recently that some breeders are applying for a prefix, and after it has been approved are trying to register kittens that were born before the application was made. Please note that only kittens that are born after the application has been received by GCCFI can be registered under the prefix. Every application has to be checked with records to make sure the prefix applied for is not already in use and then goes to the Executive for approval. Please allow time for this and for any queries that may arise. |
______________________________________________________________________  | TITLE AND SHOW INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS - Notice Date: June 2018 A summary of the different titles and show progression is now available HERE (pdf) |
______________________________________________________________________  | New INVICTUS Class Notice date June 2018.
A request for cats who have gained the Hibernian title to be able to continue to be shown led to the suggestion of higher classes above the Hibernian, similar to the UK Olympian. The title of INVICTUS was proposed by the Executive and has been agreed by Council. Cats will enter a single class according to their category, there will be three sections: Bronze, Silver and Gold. When a cat wins Bronze it then enters the class as an Invictus Bronze and competes for the Silver and then as Invictus Silver competing for Gold. Four certificates need to be won in each section. The classes are for all breeds and will be as detailed below: Adult AV Hibernian Grand Champion Male AV Hibernian Grand Champion Female Neuter AV Hibernian Grand Premier Male AV Hibernian Grand Premier Female THE Invictus classes will commence at the 2018 Cork Cat Club Show. |
______________________________________________________________________  | Non Payment Penalty Notice date March 2018.
Non Payment of show entry fees or returned cheques will incur a fixed penalty. The exhibitor will be barred from entering all shows until payment, including any charges, has been made in full. Details of the exhibitor will be forwarded to other Show Managers. |
______________________________________________________________________  | Genetic Testing Notice date November 2017. Updated May 2020*
We are pleased to announce that we have negotiated a discount for members of GCCFI affiliated clubs with Langford, Bristol, the UK’s leading Feline Genetic Laboratory. Contact your club Secretary for a code. For further details of tests available, prices and to obtain testing kits go to: UPDATE May 2020* - for information regarding tests needed please contact the Registrations Administrator, Caroline Wren, or telephone 063 86942 UPDATE JULY 2018 - Please Note: All cats having compulsory tests must be microchipped and the microchip number should be entered on the test result |
______________________________________________________________________  | Pedigree Pets Notice date February 2017.
The GCCFI are pleased to announce a new section for Pedigree Pets in our Shows. This will be trialled for one year and will commence at the Supreme on 30th April. For full details, please click HERE.
_______________________________________________________________________  | Fixed Penalty Updated 3rd February 2020.
Council has decided to introduce a Fixed Penalty in respect of Complaints regarding the following (These penalties, as they arise, will be posted below this notice): Fixed Penalties Any person who incurs a fixed penalty may request within 28 days of receipt of the notice that the complaint be brought to the Disciplinary Committee as an alternative to accepting the fixed penalty. In doing so they must understand that, if the case is found proved, the penalty may be higher. Non payment of fines will result in suspension from GCCFI. Offence Penalty Failure to supply a correctly completed pedigree | €100 fine | In the case of exports, failure to supply a certified pedigree | €100 | Failure to supply new owner with registration card | €100 | Sale of unvaccinated kittens | €200 | Sale of underage kittens (under 13 weeks) | €200 | Failure to supply a mating certificate to breeder bringing queen to stud | €100 | Stud owner accepting a queen to stud on non active register, or endorsed “not for breeding” by another organisation | €100 | Non Payment of show entry fees or returned cheques | Barred from entry to all shows until payment, including any charges, has been made in full. Details of exhibitors will be forwarded to all Show Managers |
In all these instances the breeder to be informed in writing that unless the item is supplied in accordance with Rules 12, 13 & 14 and our Code of Ethics within 28 days, or a legitimate reason given, they will be suspended until the papers are supplied. Copies must be sent to the Secretary. FIXED PENALTY NOTICE 2 - Copy Date October 2019: The Investigations Panel have suspended the person below from GCCFI until correct paperwork is provided to the purchaser. Roman Snigur 129 Burrin Manor Tullow Road Carlow FIXED PENALTY NOTICE 1 - Copy Date February 2017: Disciplinary Matters After careful consideration by the Disciplinary Committee the person named below has been suspended for life from the GCCFI. KINGA IZYDORCZYK New Road Roscrea Co Tipperary PREFIX REYESDESELVA |
_______________________________________________________________________  | Important Information regarding Stud Cats Notice date 24/04/2016.
With effect from 1st June 2016 all new male cats to be used at stud must be microchipped. This must be done prior to them getting a Certificate of Entirety and the number must be entered on the Certificate. |
_______________________________________________________________________  | New for Household Pets: Notice date 11/07/2015 We are introducing a new competition for Household Pets starting at the Cork Cat Club Show 2015. The winner of Best In Show will be awarded a certificate. Cats winning three BIS certificates under three different judges will gain the title Top Cat (TC). |
_______________________________________________________________________  | New Class Structure: Notice Date 06/05/2011 | | At the meeting of Council on 30th April 2011 the following new class structure was agreed. It is hoped to come into effect from the Cork Show. CATS TO ONLY ENTER ONE CERTIFICATE CLASS, apart from BOB only. Breed Class To replace current Open Class. Only untitled cats of the specified breed may enter (must be GCCFI registered). All other cats should enter for BOB only. Challenge or Premier Certificates will be awarded to the winners Grand Champion/Grand Premier Class Cats with the title of Champion/Premier, but not Grand, must enter this class. Grand Challenge/Grand Premier certificates and Reserves will be awarded. Hibernian Class A new Class, similar to the GCCF Imperial, but requiring 4 certificates, rather than 5, to gain the title. Cats with the title Grand Champion/Grand Premier must enter this class. Hibernian Grand Champion/Grand Premier certificates and Reserves will be awarded. There may need to be some combination of breeds for this certificate. | |
|  | CONTRACTS / AGREEMENTS OF SALE: Notice Date November 2010 | | The GCCFI wishes to make it clear that contracts/agreements of sale are a private matter between buyer and seller and the GCCFI has no liability concerning them. Council recommends that a Cat Care/Information Agreement should be issued at the time of sale. It is suggested that this should include details concerning feeding, worming, flea treatment, booster vaccinations and neutering. | |
|  | NON-PEDIGREE TITLES: Notice Date September 2010 | | There has been a very poor response to the questionnaires issued on this subject. The Executive has discussed this and feel that due to the lack of interest it is not possible to take it any further. They would like to thank those who did take the time and trouble to respond. |